I’ve never watched Lizzie McGuire, but somehow this song came to mind when I made this. A few years ago, I bought a Figment shoulder plush to wear as I visit the parks. And he’ll carry something different for each park that we visit.
On our September 2023 trip, not only did I get to bring Figment carrying a Figment, but I also got to get a picture of me holding Figment, holding a Figment, holding a Figment (That’s three levels of Inception!)

One problem, is that you can’t even see the smallest of the Figments in the picture. So I went in search of a new model. And I bought a new printer (not necessarily for this purpose) that has multimedia capabilities. With the Bambu Labs P1S along with the AMS unit, I am able to print in up to 4 colors (which can then expand up to 16 colors with additional hardware)
I really liked this model on Thingiverse. But the problem was that it came in multiple pieces mean to be printed separately in different colors and then assembled into the final product, a multicolored Figment.
I reached out to the RaddadSteve, who created the model, and requested an “all in one” model of the figure. He was happy enough to comply and within days, I had my model that I could use my new printer and AMS to make!

I was in the middle of a print job, so I didn’t want to mess with the color settings of the AMS. I just used the colors that were in it at the time to do the “painting”.
Once I had assembled the correct colors; purple for the body, pink for the tummy and the tongue, yellow for the eyes, and orange for the finger and toenails, the wings, and the spinities along the back. I set up the print job, this time with the correct colors in place and waiting the 24 hours for the print to complete.
At the end of my wait, all I had to do was removed the supports and VOILA! You’ve got a Figment! A Figment of your Imagination! (queue the music)

Now I can’t wait to get back to Epcot in December for another picture of Figment holding a Figment holding a Figmet!
Thanks to RadDadSteve for the awesome model!!!