What’s the big idea? – From The Maker

What’s the big idea? – From The Maker

Welcome to Amrod’s Armory!

These pages chronicle the the fictional stories of Seykahr Amrod (Seykahr’s Story), and true to life stories of a modern day maker (From The Maker).

The world wide COVID-19 pandemic changed the world as we knew it.  I found myself with more time at home, and the opportunity to learn new things.  In December 2020, my wife bought me a 3D printed blaster kit.  I put together the DE-10 and painted it to match the light saber I had built the October before.  In February 2021, I bought my first 3D printer and have not looked back since.

Making a thermal detonator introduced me to the magical world of Arduino, which lead to ESP and 8266 projects.

And with the opening of Disney’s Galactic Starcruiser, the Halcyon, I knew I had to go.  It looks like the more you put into the cruise, the more you get out. Costumes are ENCOURAGED. I wouldn’t need just a costume, but a whole character to portray.  And so, Seykahr Amrod was born.  Well, not really born, I suppose.  I did use that name playing Star Wars Galaxies Online years before. 🙂 (Here’s what inspired the name)

Putting together the costume lead me into leatherworking.

Along the way, I made things that I enjoyed. From decking out a phone case for a trip to Batuu, or Captain Jack Sparrow’s Compass to hand from my park bag as I walked around the Magic Kingdom. I made tokens to hand to guests and cast members to show my appreciate for them. These interactions, whether talking about my makes to wherever conversations went, brought me a lot of joy, and a lot of great memories.

After a lot of prompting, (“Hey! You should sell this!”) I decided to share these things with others. So that maybe, you too, could experience that “spark” of magic.

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